النتائج 1 إلى 4 من 4
  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2006

    افتراضي عاجل: أياد علاوي يهنئ أيهم السامرائي على سلامته بعد هروبه من السجن

    ممثل "المكاومة الأربية الشريفة في الإيراك" أيهم السامرائي في أول تصريح للصحافة الأميركية بعد هروبه من السجن:


    صحيفة أميركية: علاوي اتصل بالسامرائي عقب هربه من سجنه ليهنئه على السلامة

    20/12/2006 17:36 (توقيت غرينتش)

    راديو سوا-
    نقلت صحيفة شيكاغو تريبيون عن وزير الكهرباء الاسبق أيهم السامرائي المتهم بقضايا فساد اداري قوله إنه تمكن من الهرب من سجنه في بغداد بمساعدة مجموعة من جنسيات متعددة.

    وأضاف السامرائي في اتصال هاتفي مع الصحيفة إنه قرر الهرب من مخفر الشرطة بعدما تأكد له أن السلطات العراقية ستقوم بقتله عند بقائه في الاعتقال، وأشار إلى أن إدارة سجنه كانت وفرت له خدمة الهاتف النقال والانترنت، مؤكدا أن الهروب كان مخططا له وقد تم تغيير السيارات للتمويه على الطريق في بغداد.

    وأكد السامرائي، وهو أحد المساهمين في شركة KCI للاستشارات الهندسية في شيكاغو، إنه الآن في مكان آمن، وان السلطات العراقية لن تستطيع أن تمسه بسوء.

    وردا على سؤال حول تشابه خطة هروبه من السجن في بغداد مع خطط عصابة آل كابوني في نيويورك، قال السامرائي إنه تمكن من الهرب على طريقة شيكاغو.

    ويضيف السامرائي إنه تلقى بعد هروبه عدة اتصالات هاتفيه من مسؤولين عراقيين رفيعي المستوى بمن فيهم رئيس الوزراء السابق إياد علاوي هنؤوه فيها على هروبه، موضحا أنه الآن يستمتع بنوم عميق على فراش وثير، وأن أول وجبة تناولها كانت بيتزا اللحم البقري، الممزوج بشرائح البصل، والجبن مع البيرة المبردة.

    رغم ذلك، ينبغي على السامرائي الذي يحمل الجنسيتين العراقية والأميركية ان يمر عبر إجراءات قد تستغرق أسابيع أو شهورا من أجل إعادته إلى وضعه القانوني في الولايات المتحدة، بعد أن سحب العراق جواز سفره الأميركي.

    لكن السامرائي يقول إن رفض الولايات المتحدة له، أو تسليمه للسلطات العراقية سيكون بمثابة جريمة العصر، مشددا على إنه اتصل بعدد من أعضاء الكونغرس ومجلس الشيوخ من أجل مساعدته للعودة إلى وطنه، شيكاغو.

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2006


    إخواني ولمن يريد قراءة التقرير كاملا من الصحيفة الأميركية:

  3. #3
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2006


    عفوا.. التقرير كاملا في هذا الرابط والنص أدناه


    Illinoisan tells how he escaped from Iraq jail
    Ex-electricity minister says he is now `safe'
    By Aamer Madhani and Liz Sly, Tribune staff reporters. Liz Sly reported from Baghdad and Aamer Madhani from Chicago. Nadeem Majeed contributed to this report

    December 20, 2006

    Speaking from a location he would not identify, a Chicago-area engineer facing corruption charges in Iraq said Tuesday that he escaped custody in Baghdad with the help of a "multinational" group and vowed to return to his home in the western suburb of Oak Brook after the new year.

    Aiham Alsammarae, Iraq's former electricity minister, said in a telephone interview that he decided to flee Sunday from a police station because he was certain that Iraqi authorities would kill him if he remained in their custody. He said his escape was planned and included switching cars on the route out of Baghdad, although he gave few other details.

    "I am now in a very safe place," said Alsammarae, a partner in the KCI Engineering Consultants firm in Downers Grove. "They cannot touch me anymore."

    In Baghdad, Judge Radhi Hamza al-Radhi, head of Iraq's Commission for Public Integrity, an anti-corruption panel, said Tuesday that court officials had issued a warrant for Alsammarae's arrest and that it had been distributed at all ports, borders and airports.

    The case could present a diplomatic dilemma for the U.S., which may have to weigh a desire to respect Iraq's sovereignty and help its judicial branch function against concerns about the safety of a U.S. citizen in custody in Baghdad.

    U.S. Embassy spokesman Lou Fintor said U.S. officials were investigating the case, a day after he said there were "conflicting reports surrounding [Alsammarae's] disappearance."

    "We are continuing to cooperate with the Iraqi government, which is conducting an investigation into this matter," Fintor said.

    Iraqi officials said Monday that Alsammarae broke out of the station with the help of private security experts. According to al-Radhi, the security agents were "foreigners" wearing what looked like American military uniforms.

    Alsammarae said Tuesday that he began considering an escape 15 days after he was detained in August. He was held at an Iraqi police station inside Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone, where the U.S. Embassy and Iraqi government also are located, and his cell was a converted office where he had access to a mobile phone and the Internet.

    Alsammarae, a secular Sunni who ran the Electricity Ministry in the first postinvasion Iraqi government, said throughout his detention that he was vulnerable to kidnapping at the police station and that he would be killed if Iraqi authorities moved him to a jail run by the Shiite-dominated security forces.

    "After 15 days, I knew they had nothing [to prosecute the case] and they planned to delay and delay until they could take revenge on me," he said.

    Responding to e-mail and other messages from the Tribune on Tuesday afternoon, Alsammarae said that the "multinational" group that helped him escape included Iraqis and men of other nationalities. He said the escape plan was hatched over time and that the men who freed him had done reconnaissance of the area around the police station and the route out of Baghdad. He said multiple cars were used to spirit him out of the area, and he switched cars during his escape.

    He would give no further details about the escape.

    In another phone interview, with The New York Times, Alsammarae was asked how he got away and he recalled a line about Al Capone in "The Untouchables," saying that he had escaped "the Chicago way."

    Call from ex-Iraqi premier

    Alsammarae told the Tribune that since his escape Sunday, he has received several congratulatory telephone calls from Iraqi dignitaries, including former interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi. He added that he was enjoying his freedom and sleeping in a comfortable bed.

    "The first thing I ate was a pizza with ground beef, onions, double cheese and a cold beer," he said. "It is good to be free."

    Al-Radhi, the head of the integrity commission, said Iraqi authorities still are investigating Alsammarae's escape. The three police officers present at the station when he fled are under arrest.

    "They said foreigners came and took Aiham Alsammarae and they think those foreigners were Americans, but we don't know who they are or who they work for," al-Radhi said.

    Alsammarae, a dual U.S.-Iraqi citizen, said Iraqi authorities took away his U.S. passport soon after he was detained, but he held onto his Iraqi passport. He was confident that he would quickly be able to get a new U.S. passport and return home.

    For Alsammarae to apply for either a replacement U.S. passport or a U.S. visa for his Iraqi passport, he would have to declare his whereabouts to a U.S. embassy or consulate. Either process can take weeks or months and requires an in-person interview with a consular official.

    Alsammarae said he did not think the U.S. extradition treaty with Iraq would thwart his plans to resettle in the United States.

    "I think it would be the crime of the century if they were to send me back to Iraq or refuse me," he said. "People wouldn't allow it. I have contacted senators and congressman to help me. I am coming back to Chicago. It is my home."

    Alsammarae's tale goes back to August, when he was in Jordan and heard on an Arab news broadcast that the commission was filing corruption charges against him. He returned to Iraq to defend himself against the charges but was immediately taken into Iraqi custody.

    Conviction, reversal

    In October he was convicted and sentenced to 2 years in prison on a corruption-related charge that centered on accusations that he improperly spent $200,000 of Iraqi government money on a generator in the southern Maysan province.

    But last week, a 23-member appellate panel overturned the conviction. He and his family held out hope that he would be released, but integrity commission officials said they had five other corruption-related cases against him and would not release him until they were investigated and resolved.

    According to a copy of the court ruling that overturned Alsammarae's conviction, obtained by the Tribune, the appellate judges found that coalition forces originally ordered the generator and that Alsammarae, as minister, had formed a committee to determine what price the state would pay for it.

    The committee found that Alsammarae had committed no wrongdoing in this case, according to the document.


    [email protected]

    [email protected]

  4. #4
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2006


    هذه هي صورة علاوي الحقيقة بعد هم أكو من يلومنه ليش ما أنتخبتوه ؟؟

    دواء العكربة النعال وعلاوي وكل من معه دواهم سلاح أبو تحسين البطل

    هذه التهنيئة هي بمثابة ضربة للشعب العراقي

    أشكد ابن حرام وساقط هال علاوي البعثي

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