لمشاهدة الصورة من موقع مجلة تايم الامريكية

what are they doing?

Posted by Tim | February 1, 2007 1:27 PM

This act is very strictly prohibitted in Islam but the Shia people still do this for Ashura they dont care about the sayings of Islam and they blindly follow the faith, this must be stopped by the shia imams.

Posted by Shamrad | February 1, 2007 9:50 PM

It's oddly beautiful. Also not so oddly disturbing.

Posted by Anonymous | February 1, 2007 10:06 PM

The men are just showing off. There is no other way to impress the women since they can't date or even talk to them alone. Backward society.

Posted by Anonymous | February 1, 2007 10:56 PM

Ann, Pelican Rapids, MN:
The comparison with shooting a deer and hanging the head on the wall is a cheap verbal slap (once again--hate America first)....the only way that would be a valid comparison would if--once a year--a fresh bloody deer was obtained and dragged through the house to memorialize the shooting of the original deer, the head of which is on the wall.

Posted by Ann, Pelican Rapids, MN | February 2, 2007 9:41 AM

So, the Shi'as have always been losers, huh? What was the religion of the Fatimid dynasty again?

Come on, I know Hezbollah and Amal are trying to show the Shi'as as a new proletariat (Ashura is 'the victory of the oppressed', ainit?), but there is little religion involved in Lebanon's economic inequalities.

But if they get people to believe they've always been discriminated against, then they can justify a lot - things like not disarming, for instance.

Posted by nico. | February 2, 2007 12:00 PM

I understand that this is their tradition , and traditions should be respected,but what kind of spiritual movement of any sort would convince a normal individual to cover his face with his own blood and dance around in the street. I think religion in the middle east area has been transformed into a kind of political ideologie, a ideologie of hate.

Posted by mir | February 2, 2007 3:40 PM

These people really need to look into beer, hollywood movies, NFL, Bikini swim suit competitions, maybe even bacon, and just all around lighten up for goodness sake. Why are they so dedicated to misery and so opposed to having a little fun?

Posted by Shawn | February 2, 2007 9:03 PM

This is what our troops fought for? I'm all for freedom of expression and religion. But if I was to make an exception, I would rank this a close third to satanic baby blood drinking, or going to a mega church in Colorado Springs.
It's hard to think that a madman like Saddam was keeping his finger in the dike holding shi'ite mass hysteria back. Let's just get all Americans the hell out of there and let them duke it out. Goodbye and good f*****g riddance.
God bless America and all the booze, pork, freaks, geeks, naked ladies and other totally un-Quran-esque things that lie therein! I think I'll surf the web for some porn.

Posted by Wes | February 2, 2007 11:42 PM

This is not an islamic culture.. this is this sect's own-made ritual.. Islam has nothing to do with this..
Quran is the basis of religion Islam and nowhere in Quran one could find any such command to torture yourself... rather it is mentioned that dont put yourself in misery and pain..

God Help those ppl to learn the correct path..

Posted by Moin | February 3, 2007 6:13 PM

people need to realize that the shias are doing this in respect to what happened in karbal, its not about torturing yourself, its about mourning, which happens to be in the form of beating. people need to do there research and find out how the Imams were brutally murdered and then comment on it, there pain is no where near what the shias are facing.

and its not a backward society, maybe if you ignorant people actually look into the religion, instead of watching porn, you'll find something interesting. i guarantee it.

Posted by ilma | February 6, 2007 4:14 AM

satanic? oh forgive religious people for observing one of the most religious days. the problem is that many americans dont have a religion, unless you consider watching porn and drinking beer the new religion, which wouldnt suprise many anyway.

Posted by Anonymous | February 6, 2007 4:20 AM

where does it say that if you kill and infidel you get to go to heaven? you need to check your sources before you make huge accusations that arent even correct. you haven't even read the Qur'an, so how would you know?

Posted by ilma | February 6, 2007 5:11 AM

the prophet as a cult leader? give me one reason to believe you.

Posted by Anonymous | February 6, 2007 5:15 AM

Verses from Qur'an:

O believers, take not Jews and Christians as friends; they are friends of each other. Those of you who make them his friends is one of them. God does not guide an unjust people. - 5:54

Ye who believe! Murder those of the disbelievers - 9:123

Slay them wherever ye find them - 2:191

But if they turn renegades(convet to Christianity or Judaism), seize them and slay them wherever you find them. - 4:89

Allah is an enemy to unbelievers. - Sura 2:98

Posted by Anonymous | February 6, 2007 10:12 AM

Let's not forget that Chrstianity was not bereft of such practices (and still isn't).

Posted by R. | February 6, 2007 6:41 PM

Chritianity has advanced from the middle ages, Islam has not. Christians no longer kill in the name of God. In the holy Bible, no where does it say kill, slay, or murder your enemies or enemies of God. Only in the Koran does this exist.

Posted by Truth | February 6, 2007 8:47 PM

okay, first of all. this IS disturbing. it's absolutely disgusting. and to the post by Anonymous on Feb 6th.. wow. i had no idea that the Qur'an said things like that.. no wonder they are bombing our buildings and wanting to kill americans. what the hell is wrong with these people?? and about the comment stating that they are doing this in order to mourn because the Imams were brutally murdered... i can think of many other (safer & more sanitary) ways to mourn. and why would u cut yourself just because your ancestors were? the jews during the holocaust were brutally murdered, but you don't see them going around cutting each other to pieces today. give me a break. it's all for attention and lack of sanity. someone needs to educate these people.

Posted by Anonymous | February 15, 2007 7:14 PM

if am not mistakin this is wrong way o settle a problem !! i wonder wat they are tryin to do and wat in the world are they doinwird huh?

Posted by Anonymous | February 15, 2007 7:20 PM

oh my god they are wasting blood.....and i wounder why though ?

Posted by anonymous | February 15, 2007 7:22 PM

whats their freakin problem?

Posted by anonymous | February 16, 2007 7:02 PM

the post from feb.6 is false! god did not say those things. i know cause i am a sunni muslim!

Posted by fatima | February 16, 2007 7:09 PM

it's is absolutely foolish and disgusting. there are alot of people all over the world who need this blood.

Posted by samarmar | February 18, 2007 5:18 PM

it's absolutely disgusting... This is not an islamic culture. all i can say these ppl r helpless... only GOD will help them...

Posted by Anonymous | April 13, 2007 12:26 PM

state the TRUTH:
u ignorant fucks
RESEARCH the tradgey of kerbela and you'l figure out why the shi'as mourn so much
this act of cutting yourself is FORBIDDEN by ALL SHI'A scholars!
its the people's TRADITION
NOT religion
shi'as believe in the quran and no where does it say to cut ur self or kill anyone else
do some research
and dont take the quran out of context
how about posting the WHOLE verse

in islam it is believed tht "he who kills a life is as if he killed ALL mankind,and he who saves a life is as saving ALL mankind"

thts wat islam is
and i agree
and when christianity was in its DARK AGES
islam was in its GOLDEN AGES
do some research u brainwashed morons

these ppl dont represent the shi'a
they represent ppl who developed wierd traditions tht have nothing to do with islam

and i think ANY culture tht doesnt drink beer,look at playboy,and jack off to porn all day is a backward society to u
am i right??
ofcourse i am
..ignorant fucks.

Posted by state the TRUTH | August 31, 2007 7:38 AM

They sacrificed and rehearsed what value you, judge ye? Phenomena is not apparent as subcontractors. They have not estimated images sacrifice. Do you know Imam Hussein and peace be upon him had submitted to Islam, the soul, blood and the people. In the history of mankind has provided the equivalent of a certificate drop of blood for the sake of Allah. You live for your day and we live for the day promised, you transmit a mockery of the slogan we raise the slogan Hussein .. Unfortunately, not much is known Hussein right knowledge.
That these sacrifices is one of the reasons to reflect on the religion of Allah if this had not shared your responses and you and you also deaf dumb. I study and identify the cause of Hussein does not say what it does not know, little.
Those who some say their category simply no relation with Islam, I explain Islam ... Is it just a prayer and som and eating and sleeping? ? Do you just live to live another day? ? Is not the goal of his ambition? No
Stamp Islam religion Skies sealed God Almighty and the people of the Holy Prophet home divine and Imam Hussein is one of the sons of the Prophet greatest generosity of human sacrifice otherwise bogged people on the ground.

Posted by BO ALI | September 6, 2007 6:08 PM

Mir Haider:
Shias are the followers of Hazrat Imam Ali not the follwers who called them self friends of Hazrat Mohammad and who were not present in Hazrat Mohammad (P.B.U.H) funeral.
If any shia cut his self its holly SUNNAH of a Sahabi of Rasool who broke all his tooth when he heard that rasool (s,w) had a teeth broked.

This Azadari is Quarnic do some research in the Surah Yousaf when Hazrat Yaqoob heard from his sons that Hazrat yousaf is killed by wolves he cried for years he was the prophet of Allah he must have known that Hazrat Yousaf is alive but he cried until the light of his eyes gone he sacrifices his “Eyes” just weeping and what Quran said to him that you are “SABIR” if shia sacrifices just blood not a part of there body its not wrong but its Sunnah Of hazrat Yousaf and Yes Quran is still with us
You people just passed comments to fill the page but none of you know the spirituality of Islam and Shiat you people don’t know any thing and you people start passing cheap comments which shows your cheap thinking as well thanks to
All Mighty Allah that I am a shia I am proud of it and may Allah

And as for the most Americans how would they know what sacrifices religion respect and earning is they are terrest and they are just thiefs they just want the oil of iraq now they are putting their eyes on irani oil and most of the American brothers should look what they desrve dirty people dirty thing and dirty acts Allah Bless Islam

Posted by Mir Haider | September 6, 2007 10:53 PM

go to hell idiots shia are right rest is wrong thanks to Allah hell is waiting for you people who kill shia and think god will give them heaven they never read Quran "if you kill one human you will kill all the humanity"

Posted by Anonymous | September 6, 2007 11:00 PM

May allah make you realised...dear brothers please read the Holy Quran properly and then do accordingly...

Posted by Ali | September 12, 2007 3:14 PM

God Creation:
Hi! Creation of God.

"We all are decendents from Adam and Eve and just look around we are yet so different." ISLAM is a religion of Peace and that is the only TRUTH. As a follower of ISLAM, We Muslims (Believers of ALLAH in Arabic, GOD in English and ILLAHI in Jewish) belive the one and ONLY ALLAH that Abrahim (AS) worshipped that Jesus (ISA AS)worshipped and Moses (Mosa AS)Worshipped. And ISLAM is the Final Religion of this world. It Concludes all the religions from Abrahim (Monothistic) to Jewish (Once again Monothistic) to Christianity which is also Monothistic. Thus, ISLAM is the conclusion. It connects all the Monotheistic religions starting from Abrahim. In one of the events in the past, it was said to the high preits of JEWS AND CHRISTAIN that a prophet will be born who will spread the final verse and conclude religion. He will have a sign on his back stating "Messenger of ALLAH). The Prophet (PBUH) was born with this sign/mark on his back. When he was a child, he was traveling with his tribe and the tribe decided to stop and rest for a while. Both the Head Priets (Christian and Jews) were walking together and talking about the it. They saw the Prophet (PBUH) resting under the tree and confirmed the sign but never spread the word and hid it. WHY. Because they were worried about their power. That was the reason why JEWS never accepted JESUS because they said that JESUS should of been born from our kind our tribe in order to consider him a Prophet. I would say it again that ISLAM is a religion of peace. and yes for those people out there who take the verse of Quran to prove that negativity. Then I would like to suggest that a person can read something and interpret it differently. As far as beating your self is concerned. Then, I would like to say that NOOOOO Islam doesnt allow people beating themselves up. It is strictly prohibited because your blood and body belongs to your Creator and you have NOOO right to do any kind of harm to it. In Islam, if your loved one passes away, it is prohibited to cry or torture yourself. WHYY.. Because the body belongs to ALLAH and He can give life whenever he wants and Take it back. So who are we to torture ourselves and cry about it. When he is the one who has decided to take the life back. Yes, it is true that you doo feel hurt when a loved one passes away and it is natural to cry. You are obviously going to react to it. ALLAH has created us he knows us better than we know ourselves, he knows that we will react and thus,he has allowed grief but not for more than 3 days. Please note that I have said grief not TORTURE. Harming yourself in ISLAM IS HARAM and strictly prohibited. In the end, I would like to say please don't comment on my message if you dont know about ISLAM because you are going to sound like an ignorant commenting on someting that you dont know about. YES, I challenge you to go read the HOlY QURAN (that hasnt been changed till date, there are NO new additions to it)and find the truth yourself. Because the HOLY QURAN is the only TRUTH. NO where in the HOLY QURAN you will find torture allowed on to yourself and other people. Whatever is happening in the world today is all what people interpret by their evil mind. Do some research on your own instead of saying something that you yourselves dont know about. I am a Proud Muslim and I am Proud to believe in Abrahim, Moses, Jesus and the last Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Even after reading my comment if you dont believe in me then go ask those thousands of people who convert into ISLAM everyday on a fastest rate as compared to other religions. Ask yourself WHY have sooo many Christains and Jews converted to Islam after 911. WHY... because they have done some research themselves to find the truth. They didnot just go by what the media told them. The media always lies. We all know that right... If you didnt then I Feel sorry for you. Anyway, ask your own Christian and Jew brother and sister's why they have converted. Islam has the highest rate of conversion. WHY. Go do some research. I would like to end my message here by saying, think to yourself , ask questions, do research and dont go by what you hear. I assure you that there is nothing in the HOLY QURAN that says to hurt yourself or the people you live with because we all belong to ALLAH, GOD and Ilahi The Great. the Merciful. .Once again do the research yourself. Dont research the internet. cuzz once again it has interpretations of what people think. Read the QURAN and research on your own. May ALLAH bless you all and may you seek the right guidance and path

Posted by God Creation | October 7, 2007 9:46 PM

this is disgusting. im a shia and i never heard about this!!!! until i looked it up. people this isnt real and i am so embarressed by this, the Quran completely forbids you to do harm onto yourself. and for that comment where it said do not befrienda christian and to kill them all why not post the entire verse?!?!?! BEFORE it says kill all people it says to be kind to them and respect theyre religion. it says not to force them to believe anythignbecause its their own fate. and AFTER it says that BECAUSE it says that ONLY those who offend your religion and try to kill you for it THEN you can kill them. Im preety sure that if you were being chased around by a maniac you would have a instinct to kill them. Please people do some research PLEASE.

Posted by Shia | October 17, 2007 9:52 AM

I have to admit i am shia myself but i still think this is wrong. why dont u go and give this uselful blood to blood banks rather than letting it drip on the floor. i know we shia mourn hussain (A.S) beating of the chest beating of the back reminds us of the pain of hussain but bleeding your own self is disgusting. Do you think that hussain (A.S) up there in heaven wanted us his followers to cut ourselves and waste our own blood... no of course not.
Shia bros we are the real religion and sunnis are wasted monkeys who belive in people like umar and abu bakr who deserted the phropet for wealth and power. Only ali (A.S) was there when the phropet needed someone. And was it not aisha curse her who destroyed al hasan funreal

Posted by Anonymous | November 13, 2007 1:47 AM

Rami Elsoud:
Most of these comments although seemingly valid are very naive. Why do Christians nail themselves to crossess and whip themselves...because they want to reach a hightened state in their religion. A concept most people without religion will never understand. Just because you see something, which may look ugly, or brutal, doesnt mean it is. the same applies to a deformed child. It doesnt mean the child doesnt love and is a beautiful human being. There is always reason and motive behind why people do things, even though they may not always be the shared way of thinking. Live and let live, and never judge a book by its cover.

Posted by Rami Elsoud | November 14, 2007 11:20 PM

open your eyes and have some respect. what about christmas? in another very different way, such a holiday is just as wasteful - instead of giving each other gifts to commemorate the birth of jesus, why would we not all donate to a charity, or only help those most in need? throwing away money like this can be just as damaging as throwing away blood.

ashura is not an international problem that requires such anger and hostility - it is a personal choice made by a small group of people, and it has affected no one but themselves. let them practice their religion in peace.

Posted by Anonymous | December 17, 2007 1:05 AM

This practice is definitely not a shia practice but is carried out by some individuals. All Shia scholars prohibit this practice and consider it haram (forbidden) and if you carry it you are committing a sin and you will be punished on the day of judgment for hurting yourself.

Posted by mona | January 7, 2008 3:05 AM

All those whio are denying this is a Shiite pratice are liars! What is knew you muslims are allows taqqya in yoru religion(lies and subterfuge and deception about your religion)
Just like Islam is peace is a lie. Ohh for the ignoramus who meant well by her comment that ISlam is becoming a politcal ideology? It is it's called Sharia law---there is NO seperation of religion and state and there never has been for 1500 years.

Muhammad married a 6 year old little girl and took her to bed when she was 9. Found in the hadeeth which is oral tradition. That makes him a PEDOPHILE!

Islam can take its barbaric 2nd century filthy child raping Prophet and shove it---

Posted by someone | January 7, 2008 2:06 PM

fikry abdulmejid:
I am a muslim and I feel ashamed tthe way peoples express thier LOVE or hate to others. Especially when they are trying to refer their feeling to have Islamic teaching.
Under any circumustance this act should be condemned by the Shiite scholars. not in words but in action. Otherwise they too are responsible for this foolish act.

Posted by fikry abdulmejid | January 11, 2008 10:55 AM

this IS a shi'ite practice....the meanings, readings and teachings during ashura ARE shi'ite sect. cutting is NOT followed by all shi'ite, but because the shi'ite follow the family of prophet muhammad they are the ones who would do the cutting. is it haram? yes. is it told in the holy qu'ran that it is forbidden? yes. and those that cut, will have their day of judgement. to most...its a symbol of the pain and suffering husayn went through because of yazid. without having to cut ones self.

teh battle of karbala...where it all starts. one side were supporters and relatives of Muhammads grandson husayn ibn ali. the other side was a the forces of yazid.

husayn ibn alis group consisted of members of Muhammad's close relatives, around 72 men either very old or very young. husayn and some members of his group were accompanied by some of the women and children from their families.

it was umar ibn sa'ad who ordered a man to finish the job on husayn. they preceded to but, the man feared and did not do it. then it was shimr ibn dhiljawshan who dismounted his horse and cut husayns throat with a sword. dhiljawshan was saying: "i swear by God that i am raising your head while i know that you are SON of the messenger of Allah and the best of the people by father and mother" when he raised head of husayn ibn ali on a spear. men looted all the valuables from husayn's body, leaving it semi-naked.

umar ibn sa'ad called on his horsemen to trample husayn's body. 10 horsemen trampled his body so much that his chest and back were flat.

umar ibn sa'ad sent husayns head to ibn Ziyad on ashura afternoon and ordered to sever heads of husayns comrades and to send them to kufa.

hmmm, let me say that again....yazid troops KILLED, MURDERED, BE-HEADED the FAMILY and BLOOD of Muhammad. yet, they still have followers to this day....

this is why the sword represents the shi'ite sect......its a form of "feeling" what the prophets family went through. living in libnan, i have seen the people to wear the "crown of thorns" and bleed from the head during the christian easter holiday. but to the media and world, its "compassion" and "beautiful".........

may i ask the difference?

as for the person who said that muhammad is a pedophile....lets stop and take a look at all the christian priests...............need i say more? is this too barbaric? instead of marrying, they decide to rape, and its boys? is this not barbaric? yet, i would NEVER condem jesus teachings.


Posted by zaynab | January 15, 2008 6:45 PM


they give muslims a bad name
what the are doing is giveing us bad names that's all

and wne u look at the photo they look like they are showing off thats all

Posted by Ahmed | January 16, 2008 9:15 AM


what happened to husayn/ali should make ALL muslim everywhere feel bad, and they should take this day to remember yazid troops KILLED/MURDERED the PROPHETS FAMILY. but sunni do not do this.....why don't they remember this?

and when i look at the photo, i see strong muslims PROUD to be shi'ite...they are not showing off....

Posted by zaynab | January 16, 2008 5:10 PM

whatever, i hope these animals kill each other and themselves before i have to. mohammed is a pigdick sucking pedophile

Posted by Gadfly | January 19, 2008 12:02 PM

this retarded cult wont last, 7th century camel humpers will die soon, I am looking forard to a new crusade

Posted by Gadfly | January 19, 2008 12:05 PM

You Fools!, see how as your barbaric and primitive customs come to light they are seen as what they are? Is it suprising that people who love one another would be shocked by the disregard you have for women and children? Your false god, your rapist prophet, your pathological determination to rule the world. We see you, we love freedom, you will fail.

Posted by Gadfly | January 19, 2008 12:14 PM

dear gadfly.....im feel sorry for you. im a muslim women, who is treated with respect, as well as my children are. if you feel islam is so bad, why do you look up muslim events, perhaps its your inner self, searching for the truth....

we welcome you to ISLAM brother......i will pray for you.

in peace

Posted by zaynab | January 19, 2008 6:03 PM


Posted by ananymous | January 19, 2008 10:47 PM

ashura is most important day in for shia moslem
you have to be moslem to understand
when you think about that day you canton stop doing this staff

Posted by MOHAMMAD | January 21, 2008 3:33 PM

you lot are idiots im proud to be sunni and i still luv my fwends who are shia so bloody what
you people on the internet just like to mkea isue outa nutting
stupid jaksses you stupid people
im a muzlim and im proud brap brap woop woop

Posted by aemzy | January 30, 2008 12:19 AM

Hello Gadfly
I can picture how you spend your days.......enjoying porn and drinking cheap beer. You people are absolutely brainless. I would suggest that you if are actually interested in Islam then go and do some research and learn the difference between religion and culture. If you are calling Islamic prophets rapists then stop and think because Holy Prophet Moses and Holy Prophet Jesus are also our prophets and I only hope and pray that God will remove the curtain of hatred from your eyes help you see the truth...the way He had helped the Jews during Prophet Jesus's time. and to answer the comment that"this what our troops are dying for"....well they are dying because their govt has sent them there. Nobody invited them there.
God bless you all!!!

Posted by Fuz | January 31, 2008 5:07 AM

Mr Ahmed
How can you call yourself a Muslim and not respect the mourners of YOUR Prophet's grandson and his family??? I ask you, will you say the same if a maniac calling himself muslim walks through your door kilss your family tortures your children and arrest the women and children......you are disgusting and should change your name.

Posted by Fuz | January 31, 2008 5:11 AM

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