النتائج 1 إلى 2 من 2
  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2006
    العراق بين الأرض والسماء

    افتراضي يوم الجلاء ذكرتني بفارس

    يا يومَ الجلاءِ ذكرتني بفارسٍ

    القصيدة منشورة أيضا في مؤسسة بابل للثقافة والإعلام

    محمد الربيعي

    العراق - الموصل

    مهداة مني للاخت منيرة الفهري

    تونس \ مديرة ملتقى اللغات

    هبت الريح وتكشّفَ الستارُ **** ولى الغزاة ُ ولاذوا بالفرار ِ

    سَكبتُ دموعا سواجما عشيَّة *** فارقَني رمح ٌجميل ُ بالهوى سار ِ

    ويا كبدي هل ذُقتَ المَرارَ ***** ولوعة ً أتت بأسفار ٍ تلو أسفار ِ

    هَمَمْت ُ ظمئانا ودلو الماء ***** يَشَدُني عنيدا أظفارا ً بأظفارِ

    نبأ ٌ يا تونسُ هزَّ مشاعري ***** بك ِ نحتفي يا قلعة َ الثوار ِ

    فيهم المُظفرُ الفهْر ِي ُ لبّى الندا*** خيل ٌ عاكفاتٌ عليه بالثرى مُوارِ

    سادة ُالقوم ِ قالوا يا حيفنا **** من لنا من بعد هذا البطل ِالمغوار ِ

    شَد َّالسرايا بأسْرِها يوم نادَوا **** والجُبن ُ ليسَ من معدن ِ الأحرار ِ

    لقاهم حاسرَ الصدرِ وأذاق َ العدا ***** كؤوسَ خمر ٍ أصطلتْ بنار ِ

    بنزرت تشهد ُ فعاله ولواءُ العِزِ ****منقوشٌ مُتوردٌ مٌكللٌ بالغار ِ

    حُيّيت من بطل ٍ حمى العِرض َ*****وألبس الأمانة َ رداء َ الوَقار ِ

    نثرَهم في الميدان نثرة ً ***** تخطى الموتَ عزيزا بإكبار

    هو فهري تونسَ يا سادتي ***** طَيبُ الثرى عِلمُه كنهر ٍ جاري

    حامي الديار ِ بيرق ٌ وعلم ٌ ****** ما أنشق َ له عاجل ٌ بالغبار ِ

    لله دَرُّك يا من رَفَعْتَ عَلما ً ***** شٌدّت سَاريتُه بلُجة بِحارِ

    ألف المجدَ والمجدُ رَضَعهُ **** فتى ً ذاق الكريهة َدون َ إنكار ِ

    ألا أيها الدُجى كشّفْ سِتارَك ***** وأنحن ِ لفتى ًسامق ِالمنارِ

    في روضة ٍ بين السرو بارزة ٍ *****من كل نور ٍ أضاء َ بين نُوارِ

    صاحبَ الروض ِ جئتُك َ مُعايدا ***** هب لي من لدُنك َ قَدَرَ مِنْقار

    فما روضُك َ الوسيم ُ ألا سُندُسا **** شَمخ َ زاهيا ً بين الروابي والقفار ِ

    يا تونس َالخضراءَ هل من وسن ٍ **** أو طيف ٍ مُشع ٍ يُكحِل أبصاري

    وثبة ُ الأسود ِ يالها من وثبة ٍ ***** فاق ذكرُها وألقُها كل َّ تذكار

    عيدٌ وفرحة ٌشَمَلتْ وادينا ***** كنبع ٍ صافي لُفَّ بإطار ِ

    ضَجت الصحراء ُ فكَسَوها **** من هزيم ِ الرعد ِ ضَربة َ جَبّار

    شُرزا ً وجُرزا ً لكنهم وطئوها **** راقها النجعُ مِضْمارا ً بعد مِضْمار

    طردوا الأعادي وحموا حِصْنا ***** عربيا ً من كل غاشم ٍ غدار ِ

    جلوهم عن الأرض بعيدا ***** عبر حدود ٍ ضاقت ببحور ٍ وأنهارِ

    يا تونس َ الخضراء َ لكِ مني تحية ٌ ***عدد كلِّ حبة ٍ من حبةِ الأمطارِ

    طابَ يومُك ِ عيشا ً سعيدا ً **** وكذا كلُّ مصر ٍ من هذي الأمْصار ِ

    يا يوم َ الجلاء ِ ذكرني بفارس ٍ **** ذاع صَيتُه بدرا ً في أول الأبدار ِ

    عيدُنا اليوم َ الجلاء ُ مَسَرة ً ***** وفرحة ً مُثلى في كل حقل ٍ و دارِ

    شعاري أزف ُاليوم َ تحية ً **** وبُشرى من جار ٍ إلى جارِ

    معشرٌ كَرَم ٍ بيضُ الوجوه **** أكتّظتْ مضايفُهم بالزوارِ

    سامحيني يا تونس َ يا بلدا ً **** يا قبلة العُشاق ِ والأنظارِ

    فأنا العراقيُ وطبعي سَمِح ٌ ***** حتى وإن كانت لي أعذاري

    فأنا لا أحفظ التاريخ كله وقد ****يغيب عن ذهني شيء من الأخبار

    أما زين العابدين يا أخوتي ***** فقد أحللتموه في دار البوار ِ

    وأعدتم وجه تونس َ ناصعا ً **** بثورة ٍكانت من أول ِالشرار

    فنهض الربيع العربي مُسْتَمدا **** مَسَارَه ُ من أول عَطفة ٍ للمسار

    وخيرٌ ما أختتم ُ به هو صلاتي ****على النبي المصطفى خَير ِالفَخارِ


    The wind blew and the veils were revealed.

    Invaders were fleeing away and unreturned.

    Many tears I had shed in that certain evening.

    A shapely javelin alike went down and vanishing.

    my liver, whether you had tasted bitter agony or so

    Remembrances still flash into mind to many years ago.

    I felt thirsty tried to nail the bucket of water eagerly.

    Turned unfavourable and drifted out unwillingly.

    Tunisia, what news is that thrilling my emotion!

    the castle of revolters, we may do this day as celebration.

    Al- Fahrey was one of your battlers, the history said.

    A martyr, the horses sadden on him where he was buried.

    Chief men said, alas to the bold warrior passed away.

    Whereto had we another warrior on this critical day

    He leaded all detachments toward liberation.

    Cowardice term is dropped out of the brave men intention.

    Naked chest, he met the enemy directly.

    He gulped them intoxicant deadly drink immediately.

    Banzart witnessed to his success and his moral.

    His banner was engraved with blood and laurel.

    Welcome to him, the man who protects the honour.

    Put on it the gravity attire, still brilliant until this hour.

    He made them at the battlefield scattered.

    Going ahead to death disdainfully without retreated.

    He was Tunisia great man, my masters.

    Of wide knowledge as if flowing rivers.

    Guarder of lands he is, familiar flag and banner.

    Unsurpassable, he is the great man forever.

    What a generous man! He raised our banner.

    A flagpole was tightened in seabed deeper.

    He accustomed the glory, moreover he taught the glory.

    Indeed, he was martyr on the battles undoubtedly.

    night reveal your veil and wait.

    Knee to a man seems as lofty minaret.

    Shrine between the cypress trees witnesses the sublimity.

    Many types of roses surround the tomb looks brightly.

    the owner of this meadow I come to greet thee.

    If only you grant me as a beak size of thy dignity.

    The meadow you slept there seems as if silk brocades.

    Loftily grow between wildernesses and hillsides.

    green Tunisia, mayest you borrow me a little of drowsy!

    A bit of brilliant spectrum, so I can darken my eyes lastly.

    What lions leap it is! Whatever, they suggest.

    It preceded all other leaps whether on east or west.

    It is the cheer of Bairam prevailing to our valley.

    Transparent spring surrounds with frame likely.

    Desert becomes clamorous and they shell it further more.

    Heavy bombing thunders were seen everywhere.

    Rigid and arid land it is, but turns soft under feet.

    As much as by the blood was spotted, it became wet.

    They obliged the enemy to escape outside the border.

    They guarded an Arabic bastion from any brute traitor.

    The enemy was escaped away and couldn wage.

    Crossed seas and rivers, did not find safe refuge.

    Tunisia many greetings to their nation I had.

    As much as uncountable raindrops touched your land.

    I wish you had nice days and thy lifestyle is happy.

    Including all villages and town, consist in country.

    the day of evacuation invader troops outside our border.

    You remind me about a moonlike prominent warrior.

    This day consider as an important national festival.

    Each farm owner and villt habitant show carnival.

    This day my obligatory due is to send good news.

    Transmitting from house to house, like the rose.

    Kind nation of a good hospitality is always.

    Crowd of people are their guests many days.

    Please Tunisia the magic country, I apologize.

    You are the target of lovers and sights otherwise.

    I am Iraqi man and my nature is the indulgence.

    Even if I have real excuses, I am tolerance

    I dont have memory to memorize all history events.

    Perhaps some events temporally my mind can collect.

    And about your former tyrant president as I know.

    Drifted him away to hell that is the best you do.

    You have saved Tunisia from its old dark.

    Through revolution considers the first spark.

    Then The Arabic dream followed you gradually.

    Seeing this spark, they seize the opportunity.

    The best thing I wish to conclude in this moment.

    It is the best prayer of Allah to our chosen Prophet.

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2006
    العراق بين الأرض والسماء


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